关于公园 & 娱乐

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公园的目的 & 娱乐公园的标志

帮助城市实现它的 2023年愿景 plan of creating "A Vibrant City Where You Can Live, 工作, 学习和玩耍”, by providing opportunities for quality recreation 和 leisure experiences through programming 和 facilities for West Sacramento citizens of all ages.


Values we as professionals all share as members of 的 West Sacramento 公园 & 家庭娱乐:

  • 包容性
  • 可访问性
  • 经验的多样性
  • 灵性
  • 社区海洋之神登录入口
  • 职业发展
  • 个人发展
  • 〇健康的生活方式 Check Out Our 娱乐中心 Offerings
  • 欢乐与庆祝
  • 终身学习
  • 环境管理

Our Profession's Mission Objectives

The mission objectives of recreation 和 park professionals in California describe both why our 公园 & 娱乐部 exists 和 的 benefits it can foster in 的 community...

The primary mission objectives of 的 West Sacramento 公园 & 娱乐部 are to:

  • Streng的n Community Image 和 Sense of Place
  • 支持经济发展
  • Streng的n Safety 和 Security
  • 促进健康
  • 促进人的发展
  • 增进文化团结
  • Protect Environmental Resources
  • Facilitate Community Problem Solving
  • Provide 娱乐al Experiences

West Sacramento's 远景2023战略计划

We feel that our profession's values 和 mission objectives support 的 vision 和 goals described in 的 West Sacramento 远景2023战略计划. One of 的 goals stated in this plan is "Riverfront Alive". One of 的 objectives of that goal is "Variety of 休闲 Venues: Restaurants, 娱乐, 体育与文化".

另一个目标是 远景2023战略计划 is "Our City to be a Self-Contained Community". This goal contains two objectives that relate directly to 的 公园 & 娱乐部. 它们是:

  • Exp和ed 公园 和 娱乐al Facilities
  • Exp和ed 娱乐al, Cultural, Sports 和 休闲 项目 和 Activities

休闲 . . . What is it 和 why it is so important?

休闲 has been mentioned several times, but tends to be a concept that is often misunderstood. 那么什么是休闲呢?? Social psychologists who have studied 的 phenomenon of leisure have identified four distinct characteristics that are present in leisure experiences: perceived freedom, 内在动机, 感知能力, 积极影响. With 的se four components in mind, definition of leisure by Dr. Ernest Olsen seems most appropriate:

休闲 is an activity which produces a state of being, physiologically characterized by a sense of being free 和 intrinsically motivated, 和 associated with positive value for both 的 individual 和 society.

另一段来自Dr。. Ruth Russell defines leisure in more simple terms:

休闲 is when you're having a good time. 这是幸福和快乐. 休闲 is not a withdrawal from life, ra的r it's an engagement in living.

休闲 is a state of being, a lifestyle. 休闲 is all about one's quality of life.

Park facilities 和 recreation programs should contribute positively to an individual's leisure, but can never fulfill this need completely. 然而, local park 和 recreation agencies can help people develop 的ir leisure interests, 个人健康, 和 positive lifestyle habits that promote a 健康的, meaningful leisure lifestyle. 西萨克拉门托公园 & 娱乐部 strives to provide meaningful recreational opportunities 和 quality facilities that allow for meaningful leisure, but ultimately we want to help West Sacramento residents develop 健康的 attitudes towards leisure 和 active lifestyles that will contribute to long, 健康的, 快乐的生活!



The 公园部门 oversees 的 maintenance of 145+ acres of developed 城市公园. Our park workers are dedicated to maintaining 的 parks to 的 highest st和ard: keeping 的m clean, 安全, 和有吸引力. Each park is unique in its amenities. Some of 的se include: baseball, 垒球, 还有足球场, 野餐区, 开阔的草地, 合计很多, 还有一个船坡道, 仅举几个例子! To view park amenities, check out our 公园的页面. For information on trees, please visit our 树页面


The 娱乐部门 provides community members with a wide variety of recreation opportunities that can contribute to one's leisure lifestyle. 它们包括: 水上运动、儿童节目(发现幼儿园, KidZone, K.I.D.S. 营湖边营地)、青少年节目(Club West青少年中心 和夏天 青少年夏令营), 青少年体育成人体育, 积极老化计划, recreation programs for individuals with 特殊需要,以及各种特别活动. The 娱乐部门 also h和les 设备租赁 对于设施,如 布里奇威湖船屋, 市民中心广场,社区中心,和 娱乐中心.


政府 is ano的r important function within our department. This includes our clerical staff at 的 City Hall main office, 活动注册、应付帐款.