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树 enhance the natural beauty of the City, sustain long-term potential increases in property values. 它们是动态的生态系统,为人类和野生动物提供了至关重要的利益. Urban forests help to filter air and water, 控制暴雨水, 节约能源, and provide animal habitat and shade. They add beauty, form, and structure to urban design. 通过减少噪音, 增加该地区的氧气输出以对抗空气污染, and providing places to recreate, urban forests strengthen social cohesion, spur community revitalization, and add economic value to our communities.




In order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City, 市议会认为有必要颁布条例,规定除在新的和已经建立的开发项目中种植和维护行街树木外,还必须对市内私人和公共财产上某些树木的移除和保存进行管理.

The City of West Sacramento has a 树条例 在适当的地方保护海洋之神官方网站的城市森林免受永久破坏或在没有正当理由的情况下砍伐树木的做法, 特别是那些被列为地标或遗产的树木.

如果你想修改或移除受城市保护或管理的树木,需要获得许可. 如果希望通过种植额外的树木或支付遗产费来移除遗产树,则需要采取缓解措施.


 If you are not sure if you do or do not need a Tree Permit Application; please refer to the tree permit  then give us a call with any further questions at (916) 617-4620.

树 which require permits for modification or removal

  • 遗产树: with a circumference greater than 75" (CBH)
  • 橡树: with a circumference greater than 50" (CBH)
  • 街道树: trees that are within 12.离路边5英尺



Free Shade Tree Program

西萨克拉门托市发起了一项遮荫树计划,该市向城市居民提供遮荫树和树桩,以帮助改善城市森林和城市内的树冠. A list of readily available trees can be found 在这里.

居民 can request up to two shade trees per year. Tree deliveries are made twice annually, 一次是在四月底的植树节庆祝活动期间, the second at the end of September. 订单的截止日期是交货前一个月(4月交货的截止日期是3月底), end of August for the September delivery).

想要为你在西萨克拉门托的住所申请一棵免费的遮荫树,请发邮件给大卫 treepermits@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com. Subject: "Shade Tree Request". Please include your name, address and species requested, 或者如果需要的话, we can help you with species recommendations.

每棵树都将被提供一个单一的树桩系统,每棵树都将被送到居民自己的院子里种植. 观看以下视频,了解更多关于这些木桩和如何正确使用它们: Single Tree Staking Systems.

Please see the following guides for tips on how to plant and care for your trees 以及 how to prune your young trees for proper structure and form. 海洋之神官方网站支持到2025年在本地区种植500万棵新树.

树 and Drought Stress


