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公开听证会通知- 2017年6月28日

西萨克拉门托市提议加强基础设施融资区(EIFD. 1


根据市议会的指示, the proposed district would include much of the area that comprised the former West Sacramento Redevelopment Project Area, 或者提议的4,125英亩的EIFD和5,重建项目面积416英亩. Those portions of the former RDA proposed to be included in the EIFD are the areas that have a potential for new development and/or private investment that would lead to an increase assessed in valuation and therefore tax increment growth. 重建区更具包容性,因为:1)边界必须捕捉“枯萎”的情况, 在组建EIFD时不再需要哪些, 2)重新开发, 增税资金只能在重建区内使用, 需要更大的面积来捕捉“项目用途”. 对于EIFD, 拟议的边界现在包括14个“非连续”的子区域,并以社区规划为重点, 经济发展, 或其他地理规划参数.

现有2016-17财年分区“评估估值”将为基准值, 未来超过这些数额的增长将产生税收增量, 根据海洋之神官方网站目前的分析,哪一个估计是45年. 以下是现有评估估值的分领域摘要

  分区 分区面积 现有分区评估估值 (百万美元)
1A 河流2 75 $14
1B Riverpoint 157 $214
1C 河滨/共和人民党 336 $369
1D 西区 195 $62
1E 铁三角 116 $50
1F 路透华盛顿/市中心 350 $351
1G 桥地区 190 $123
1H 先锋虚张声势 142 $54
1I 工业港北面 240 $189
1J 北港码头 172 $19
1K 萨克拉门托工业园区港口 881 $575
1L 南港工业园区 665 $293
1M 波涛汹涌的海面 382 $0
1N 石头锁 226 $0
  总计 4,127 $2,313


自从西萨克拉门托市30年前成立以来, 财产税增量融资(TIF)一直是积极的经济和自然变化的重要驱动力. TIF, the concept of borrowing against future growth in property taxes to fund public infrastructure and other 改进s to enable private investment, 能通过以前的重建机构提供给伦敦金融城吗. 然而, 2011年,州议会取消了重建计划, 整个加州的社区都没有一个可行的机制来利用TIF来促进经济发展.

因应再开发而解散, in September 2011 Mayor Cabaldon commissioned a team of community leaders led by Councilmember Ledesma that looked at options for continuing investments in infrastructure and revitalization in the post-redevelopment environment. 这一努力最终使理事会通过了《海洋之神登录入口》(CI计划)。, 成为了今天城市经济发展计划的蓝图. The CI Plan put forth 20 recommendations which have since all been substantially implemented to recreate a redevelopment program using a new set of financing and real estate tools. The CI Plan’s two chief recommendations included: 1) adopting a budget measure to allocate funding received by the City from the dissolution of redevelopment to a new Community Investment Fund; and 2) forming one or more TIF districts known as Infrastructure Financing Districts (IFDs) to restore the City’s ability to bond against future revenue to finance infrastructure investments.

The first recommendation was ultimately implemented in November 2012 when over 87 percent of West Sacramento voters passed Measure G, an advisory measure proposed by the 市议会 which affirmed the use of former redevelopment funding for “Community Investment” projects. 自2012-13财年第一次获得措施G资金以来, 社区投资基金已拨出超过1,500万美元用于规划, 设计, 以及麦高恩大桥等项目的建设, 乡村公园道扩建段, 华盛顿特区和大门户的基础设施, C街大桥, 百老汇桥, 自行车-行人改善项目, 以及先锋布拉夫过渡计划的实施.

CI计划的第二项关键建议, ifd的形成, was impeded by problems with the original IFD law 包括 a prohibition on forming a district within a former redevelopment area. 经过将近两年的立法,修订IFD法以消除这一禁令, 2014年2月,州长签署了第471号法案(阿特金斯法案),其中包括了这一必要的立法修正. AB 471的结果, 该市得以成立了桥区IFD, 从2014年12月开始实施.

追查AB 471, the City joined a statewide effort to reshape the IFD law into a tool that could be used on a widespread basis to finance infrastructure and other 经济发展 activities much in the same way redevelopment TIF was utilized. 2014年9月,州长签署SB 628 (Beall), 哪项授权加强基建融资区. SB 628法案对IFD法的一些关键“改进”包括一个更长的地区任期, 取消了组成选区的投票要求, and an expanded list of allowable uses of EIFD funds 包括 projects that implement a sustainable communities strategy, 整治红土, 工业建筑改善, 经济适用房. 一年后, 总督签署ab313(阿特金斯), 它做了额外的清理修改,使EIFD法达到目前的形式, 是根据第53398条编纂的吗.50-53398.加州政府法典第88条.

West Sacramento became only the third jurisdiction in the State to form a non-redevelopment TIF district when the 桥地区 IFD was established in 2014.


EIFD的大小没有限制,而且地区边界可能是不连续的, but the required Infrastructure Financing Plan (EIFD Plan) must include a fiscal impact analysis to demonstrate that the EIFD will not have an adverse impact on the city’s general fund. 换句话说, the analysis must show that the cost of providing services to the district area and the entire city can still be supported by the general fund if all or a portion of the property tax increment is diverted to the district. This fiscal balance can be achieved by either appropriately scaling the size of the EIFD or adjusting the portion of tax increment that is allocated to the district versus the general fund.

工作人员考虑了EIFD边界的各种选择, 范围从整个城市到大部分原重建项目区域. 自从2012年G措施颁布以来, 重建区的全部增税已拨入社区投资基金, 就像如果重建机构没有被解散,它将被分配给重建机构一样. 在目前的措施G系统下,该市的普通基金没有受到不利影响. 工作人员的结论是,理想的东区发展区的边界应与以前的重建区相似, but omit areas that are most likely to generate higher costs for general city services and therefore may adversely impact the fiscal analysis of the EIFD Plan. This approach would essentially continue the implementation of the existing Measure G system of tax increment allocation and not divert any revenue from property taxes that are currently allocated to the General Fund.

以下是拟议纳入环境发展计划的所有地区的地图. 此外,个别子区域的地图被单独标记并包含在下面.


EIFD将为此次收购提供资金, 建设, 扩张, 改进, 地震改造, or rehabilitation of any real or other tangible property with an estimated useful life of 15 years or longer and are projects of communitywide significance that provide significant benefits to the district or the surrounding community. Any facilities located outside the boundaries of the EIFD shall also have a tangible connection to the work of the EIFD as detailed in the infrastructure financing plan. EIFD还将资助与采购直接相关的规划和设计活动, 建设, 扩张, 或者修复这些项目. EIFD可资助政府守则第53398条所述的费用.56和53398.57. EIFD资助的项目可包括但不限于以下所有项目:

  • 高速公路、立交桥和坡道;
  • 桥梁;
  • 动脉的街道;
  • 停车设施;
  • 运输设施;
  • 公园、康乐设施及休憩用地;
  • 污水处理和水回收装置及截流管道;
  • 收集和处理城市用水的设施;
  • 转移和处置固体废物的设施,包括转运站和车辆;
  • 雨水输送及收集设施;
  • 防洪堤防、水坝、拦洪盆地和排水渠道;
  • 儿童保育设施;
  • 图书馆;
  • 宽带和电信基础设施;
  • 改善人行道和街景;
  • 自行车道和小径;
  • 公共艺术;
  • 公司码;
  • 警察设施;
  • 整治红土;
  • 根据EIFD法批准的经济适用房;
  • Projects that implement a sustainable communities strategy and transit priority projects; and
  • 收购、建造或修理供私人使用的工业设施.


除上述设施的直接费用外, (四)投资融资法规定的其他杂项费用, 包括, 但不限于, the cost of environmental evaluation and environmental remediation; engineering and surveying; 建设 staking; utility relocation and demolition costs incidental to the 建设 of the facilities; costs of project/建设 management; costs (包括 the costs of legal services) associated with the creation of the EIFD; issuance of bonds or other debt; costs incurred by the County or the EIFD in connection with the division of taxes pursuant to 政府 Code section 53398.75; or costs otherwise incurred in order to carry out the authorized purposes of the EIFD; reimbursements to other areas for facilities serving the EIFD; and any other expenses incidental to the formation and implementation of the EIFD and to the 建设, 完成, 视察和取得授权设施.

在建立环境投资基金的过程中,将拟订一份更详细的项目清单, 主要基于城市的资本改善计划(CIP), 但也包括EIFD法律允许的潜在非cip用途. This list is intended to form the basis of the more detailed description of potential EIFD investments that will be included in the EIFD Plan. 虽然EIFD的资金不太可能用于支持清单上的所有项目, 该计划应保持最大的灵活性,因为法律没有要求名单是排他性的.


届时将提供形成过程的时间表, 但总的来说,这个过程包括以下主要里程碑:

里程碑 估计的日期
市议会采用ROI并建立PFA. 2016年11月16日
PFA指示金融城准备EIFD计划. 2017年2月15日
市议会通过决议批准EIFD计划. 4月19日. 2017
PFA就EIFD计划举行公听会, 通过决议,建议采纳EIFD计划及成立EIFD, 并通过《海洋之神官方网站》. 2017年4月19日


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